Becoming your Best Self


A private coaching program for teenagers, and young adult females who want to start their awakening and inner work journey. Females who are craving personalized mentoring and support to dive deeper and rise higher.

This is for the woman who desires to explore and to know her true, authentic self, so she can clarify what she wants and needs, put herself first, live in her power, and create a life that makes her come alive.

She is ready to heal her relationship with herself, clear what has been limiting her, block her and dim her light, joy, and radiance, and feel a full-bodied alignment to the fullness of her essence.

Our work will focus on reconnecting you with your divine feminine energy, intuition, pleasure, power, and magnetism so that you can rise into the highest and brightest version of yourself.

You will be empowered to clear what has been holding you back and weighing you down, and integrate new empowering practices and rituals into your life that will nourish you from the inside out.


Do you relate to any of the following?

•  You’ve been feeling lost, unclear, unfulfilled, and disconnected from yourself, but you’re unsure what is causing it and how to get back to feeling good.

•  You struggle with self-love and often find yourself criticizing and judging yourself rather than speaking to yourself in kind and empowering ways.

•  You find it hard to say No, implement boundaries, speak your truth, and you find yourself giving away your time and energy to things that drain and deplete you.

•  You have a noisy, active mind which creates anxiety and overwhelms and makes it hard to hear your intuition and find clarity and answers with yourself.

•  You struggle to prioritize and make time for the self-care and self-connection practices that you know will nourish you and make you feel good.

•  You feel disconnected from your feminine energy, pleasure, and sensuality, and you are unsure how to embody these qualities while still showing up for the demands of your life.

•  You feel overwhelmed by your emotions, and you find it hard to process them, or perhaps you feel numb and disconnected from your emotions and find yourself feeling nothing.

•  You’ve at times struggled to create healthy, loving relationships with others (or a partner) that feel nourishing, balanced, and supportive.

You don’t have to figure this all out by yourself or walk this journey alone.

Coaching will accelerate your progress and give you the support you need to create the change you crave. You will no longer be stuck in your head, looping in circles trying to solve your challenges alone.

Instead, you will have your own personal guide, mentor, and coach by your side guiding you, supporting you, pointing out your blind spots, and showing you a path forward.

All the confusion and overwhelm will fall away as each session you will be able to work through, talk out and resolve any challenge, block, struggle, or decision.

You will gain the personalized coaching tools, resources, practices, and guidance to finally create the shifts you have been craving for years.

And with this type of support, anything is possible.

You will receive 1:1 support with:

 Coming deeper into your body, to feel greater levels of pleasure, joy, sensuality, and confidence so you can radiate your feminine magnetism.

 Balancing and harmonizing your inner feminine & masculine energies.

 Releasing patterns that weaken your power, including people-pleasing, comparison, not speaking your truth, and a lack of boundaries.

 Develop sacred rituals, routines, and self-care practices that nourish you, nurture you, fill you up from within, and make you feel deeply loved.

 Building a strong, connecting, empowering, and loving relationship with yourself is deeply in tune with your wants, needs, and desires.

 Getting out of your head, dropping into your body, and activating your heart energy.

 Finding a sense of inner calm, security, wholeness, and contentment.

 Releasing patterns that dim your light and radiance, including self-criticism, self-judgment, guilt, shame, and unworthiness.

  Creating healthy, secure, balanced, loving, conscious relationships with others.

  Healing unresolved wounds and patterns from your inner child or your past.

 Claiming your heart’s desires and using your feminine magnetism and creative power to bring them to life.


My 1:1 program includes:

√ 6 x 60 minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions (via Zoom)

You will come together with Laura every 2 weeks for your 1:1 Coaching Sessions. In these sessions, you will receive transformative coaching support, tools, practices, intuitive guidance, and help from Laura to break through what is holding you back and learn new ways of being.

√ Video recordings of each Coaching Session

Laura will send you the video recording of each of your Coaching Sessions for you to rewatch so that you can take notes, integrate your learnings and keep the sessions to revisit at any time.

√ Email support between sessions

You are welcome to email Laura between your sessions to receive support, ask questions, or share what you have been working on to help keep you on track.

√ Bonus resources 


Meet Your Mentor:

Hi, I’m Laura. I am a Certified Life Coach, Women’s Empowerment Mentor, and host of Happiness and Purpose the Podcasts.

I have been working 1:1 with heart-centered women from all around the world in my private coaching practice.

I help magnificent, beautiful, talented women not step into their potential because they lack confidence, doubt themselves, cannot see their brilliance, or believe they are unworthy.

I help women who are hesitating, holding back, and shrinking away from what their authentic self and their inner voice are telling them they are ready for.

My mission in my work has become to support women through the journey of learning to love, accept and embrace who they are deep so that they can rise into their highest and brightest selves.


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