How to get rid of old beliefs

I am ugly; I am incompetent, I am a loser, nobody likes me, I am late in life, I can’t hold a job, I never do anything right, I hate my legs, I hate my boobs, I hate my butt, I hate my arms, I hate my job, etc., etc. Just some of the “junk” words we feed our brains and souls on a regular basis.

I used to be so negative and have such low self-esteem that when my therapist asked me to write thirty things I liked about myself, I cancel my session for the next two weeks. I could not believe I did not even have thirty qualities. I felt worthless, and it proved my point that I, in fact, was a loser. until I learned the real truth.  

Research shows that by the age of six children already have formed their beliefs. How do you think they form their beliefs? Through experiences and environment. The things we hear about ourselves penetrates into our brains making it a reality. 

In my case, I always heard ugly, useless, stupid, can’t do anything, skinny bones, among others. I believed firmly that I was stupid and that I could never succeed at anything due to my stupidity and lack of intelligence. UNTIL I DECIDED TO UNLEARN! Yes! I decided I needed to unlearn those beliefs cultivated by my old environment. I was able to do that with the help of my therapist and my angels.

Photo by: @majesticbynature Follow on IG!

I will not lie and tell you it happens from one day to another. I, sometimes, still feel useless, but I remember that was someone else’s opinion of me, and it is not valid anymore. 

I learned a lot in therapy, one of the most crucial techniques was to write my qualities and read them to myself every morning. I know I know! Who has the time in the morning to read thirty or forty words? Listen, if you truly want it, you have to EARN IT. 

I wrote all thirty words in three sticky notes and placed them on my mirror so while I brush my teeth, I read them to myself. I know them by heart now so I don’t need the sticky note anymore yyyaaayyy!!! 🙂

This truly helps me to love myself, to know my worth. To know that I have absolute control of my own life and I  and ONLY I CAN DETERMINE AND DEFINE WHO I AM.  

Your homework is to write thirty qualities about yourself! Let me know in the comments below your favorite five 🙂

My first attempt to write thirty qualities. I promise I googled half of them. Notice how I left out strong, passionate, go-getter, a beast! all that it represents me now! And what do you think about my only six physical qualities?

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