A new beginning!

If I’m honest, I’m experiencing all kinds of emotions right now. I am thrilled and proud of myself for finally having the courage to create a blog and check that off my bucket list. I’ve wanted to do this for years! But I was insecure and scared of judgment. I know I have a lot to offer and share with the world, so I decided to put my big girl pants, conquer my fears, and start this journey

What is the purpose of this blog? Like I said before, I want to share my experiences and things that have happened to me in order to inspire others and help them achieve their dreams, happiness, and their purpose in life.

For many years I was lost; nothing I did make me happy. It was until I turned 26 after having my second child that I became depressed and couldn’t continue with my life. I knew I needed a shift, so I quit my job, stayed home for two years, trying to figure out what I was missing in my life so I could achieve true happiness.

After two years, and thousands of thousands of dollars spent in therapy, books, life coaching, and online courses. I finally felt better and started to live a happy life. I had finally found my purpose.

Now, I feel obligated to share my experience and help others that may be going through similar situations. My goal is for everyone to find happiness and purpose, indeed.

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